“What is man's share in the world's resources? “ While thinking about the question, I came up with my work Life and Death and Love and Birth.
I dreamed of a place where people shrink in size, we do not have limbs that create a sense of superiority, there is nothing to hold oneself above others. This thought took me to a new group of people with half-animal limbs, the dimensions of which are many times smaller than a normal human being, and I was happy that the other animals in the composition were larger than my species but friendly.
While I was doing my work, the song Steven Universe - Peace and Love on the Planet Earth was constantly running through my mind. “Life and death and love and birth and peace and war on the planet Earth” I chose the name of my illustration inspired by it.
Multi-disciplinary illustrator mainly focused on audio and visual arts with growing experience in multiple areas of the graphic design and illustration industry. Values sincere transmission of daily emotions through design.